Inspired By Passion
support for various extra curricular activities For All Levels
Sports activities
Do you have a budding Johnny or Janet Superstar in your midst and want to cultivate that skill? Find out if you are eligible for a scholarship.
Music activities
Do you have a budding Johnny or Janet Beethoven in your midst and want to cultivate that skill? Find out if you are eligible for a scholarship.
Do you have a budding Johnny or Janet Goodall in your midst and want to cultivate that skill? Find out if you are eligible for a scholarship.
Relaxed & Friendly
Be Active!
Be Creative!
Be Inquisitive!
In order to reach their full potential, not only do these children need access to healthy food, safe housing and healthcare, they need to experience the cultural, athletic and educational experiences which provide a richness to life.
Many families have to choose between paying a seemingly small registration fee and paying utility bills. They have to choose between paying for the dance lessons and paying rent. Sometimes in these families there are multiple children who want to participate extra curricular activities but what may be manageable for one child is not doable for multiple children.